By Rich Stark
Buying a new vehicle has it's benefits. Not the least of which is an extended warranty from the manufacturer. Along with the shiny new paint job and new car smell, you'll also enjoy warranty coverage from the factory that covers your car from bumper to bumper lasting up to 3 years or 36,000 miles.
With this coverage you can enjoy the piece of mind of knowing that any mechanical problems won't also become a problem for you financially. The manufacturers are making a fairly safe bet in providing this warranty given the build quality associated with most new cars these days. In fact, major problems don't often show up during that free warranty period.
Where you typically start to see problems is near the end of the warranty period at 35,000 miles.Once you've driven past the 36,000 mile mark or 3 years has passed, and your car service contract has ended, what happens when costly repair bills show up? Hopefully, by that point, you've decided to invest in an extended vehicle service contract from a trusted aftermarket supplier. A car service contract restores the piece of mind you had under warranty coverage by paying you back in the event your vehicle encounters mechanical failure or wear beyond acceptable levels.
When shopping for an aftermarket vehicle service contract, it's important to pay close attention to the details of the coverage. Specifically you'll want to know how long the insurance company backing the contract has been in business and how timely are they at handling claims. There are companies that price their service contracts extremely low but maintain insufficient levels of funds to back claims. In the worst cases, companies go out of business leaving unpaid claims in the hands of unlucky customers.
Once you've done your homework and settled on a reputable company for an extended warranty, your future car repair costs will be covered. Adding such a warranty to your car can also potential increase your cars resale value as many of them are transferable.
As your car covers more miles, the more likely it is that wear and tear will begin to take their toll. All cars are subject to the aging process. Cover your car with a long term rel=nofollow [http://www.carservicecontract.com/]used car warranty so that maintaining your car over the long haul doesn't challenge your finances.
Rich Stark
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?
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